Energy Savings from Awnings
Awnings for one thing make a business or home stand out and look aesthetically appealing but have you ever thought about how much these structures can reduce energy costs and UV exposure? By blocking the sun’s rays, awnings reduce the light and heat coming in through the windows of a store or home, resulting in decreased in-store and home temperatures. With a decrease in temperature you’re A/C system can run more efficiently resulting in reduced electric costs. Awnings can also help preserve your furniture, draperies, and carpet by blocking out 98% of the UV rays coming in.
Installing awnings in your home or store is one way to participate in the green initiative. These environmentally friendly awnings can reduce our carbon footprint and the impact of global warming from greenhouse gas emissions.
Here are more specific details on the energy savings you can expect from installing awnings in your home or store:
Installing awnings in your home or store is one way to participate in the green initiative. These environmentally friendly awnings can reduce our carbon footprint and the impact of global warming from greenhouse gas emissions.
Here are more specific details on the energy savings you can expect from installing awnings in your home or store:
Awning Energy Savings
– A reduced home’s internal temperature by 8° to 15° F (5°C – 8°C)
– Blocks out 98% of harmful UV rays from the sun.
– The solar radiation through glass is responsible for approximately 20% of the load on a residential air conditioner.
– More energy is lost though one square foot wall then through an entire insulated wall.
– For southern facing windows: a fabric awning can reduce heat gain by 55 to 65% during direct sunlight.
– For western facing windows: a fabric awning can reduce heat gain by 72 to 77% during direct sunlight.
Awning Energy Study
Skin Cancer
Today more Americans are getting skin cancer than the past. Why is this happening? Even though we spend more time in the sun today, Americans are not paying as much attention to protecting their skin from the harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays as they should. With a different lifestyle than the past there is more social activity outside during the day as well as less clothing worn than before. All of this makes for an increased chance of skin cancer.
Skin cancer is the fastest growing cancer in the US and people will expose themselves to 80% of the sun’s rays by the time they reach 18. Within the ages of 2-14 children have an increased vulnerability of this cancer.
In June 2003, the American Government officially listed ultraviolet radiation as a human carcinogen along side tobacco.
Installing awnings can help prevent this cancer from happening and reduce energy costs. If you’d like to learn more installing an awning in your store, please contact Universal Awning and Sign.